Ikebana workshop vol.01
Hi ! I am Kazue Diba of Lotus English School in Osaka.
Thanks to our wonderful guests from Switzerland, Italy and France, our first Ikebana Workshop has completed successfully.
Not only we introduced Japanese culture but also we learned a lot about their lives and culture in their home countries.
The theme of the day’s flower arrangment was for their mothers because Monther’s Day will come soon.
After the presentation and demonstration of Ikebana, all our guests started arranging their own Ikebana works. It was a kind of quiet time, since they concentrated to make a special flower work for their mothers.
Cutting out unnecessary parts. Guests look so serious, don’t they???
Writing a message for his/her mother
Guests with our staff
We will have a Yukata Party on Sunday, July 7, 2019.
Please apply and join us.
2010年に大阪市中央区本町橋に英語発音リズム研究所・Lotus English Schoolを開校。米国やデンマークへの留学・国際結婚・米国に始まり英国やデンマークに本社を持つマルチナショナルな外資系企業への転職を経験し、国際営業・支社長バイリンガル秘書・輸出入・ロジスティックス・人事など多種に及ぶ仕事の経験を活かして英語・英会話を子供から会社員・シニアまで指導中。
英検合格・TOEIC L&Rのスコアーアップを目指す人や通じる英語にするオリジナルメソッドによる発音矯正レッスンを展開中です。